Cleaning House Without The Stress

Struggling with keeping a clean house?

Cleaning. It has never been my strong suit and most definitely not what I’m known to be good at. 

When you come into my home, you usually see a home that has been played in by the kids, and cluttered with crafts and dirty dishes from the morning. Some may come in and see disorganization, others may come in and see it as a well loved and played in home. 

I feel it as both. Some days when I look around and see mess I think “my kids are happily playing, exploring and crafting and we are making healthy meals” other days I look around and feel anxious, I can hear my mom’s voice saying “doesn’t your home make you anxious?!” yes does some days..

But I’m far to busy to worry about the mess every single day. I have two young girls who love to play, love to explore and be outside. I work, I run a business, so my top priority is not cleaning. 

Growing up, my mom was a stay at home mom. There were 5 of us and times were different then. She used all the conventional products, she didn’t know the dangers of a lot of the items and often I would find myself putting different cleaners in the toilet to clean because I never really knew better. 

I struggled with headaches for as long as I can remember. It was a daily occurrence for me and I now know it was all environmental. The fumes from the cleaners, the cigarette smoke (like I said, a different time then) the candles and air fresheners.

I have always enjoyed DIY and crafts so once I moved out I started to make my own cleaners and laundry soap for the sake of saving money and because I knew it was something I could do. When I started to research making my own cleaning products I kept reading more and more about the dangers of chemical cleaners. It was really eye opening to me and I made a commitment to do better in my home when it came to the products I used daily. I also noticed the headaches weren't as often which was a major positive shift for myself.

What I did was for the most part, easy. 

Vinegar and baking soda were my main go tos for all purpose cleaning. Laundry soap was a concoction of borax, grated soap and washing soda. That was a bit more work but I felt good about my choices and it cost me pennies. 

When I had my first daughter, I felt confident with the products I was already using. I was glad that I had already made the transition to cleaner cleaning for our family. 

There was one moment that I was truly thankful when my daughter decided to drink from the spray mop in the kitchen. I was so thankful that there was only water and vinegar in there but the fear and anxiety ran through my mind after, thinking “what if that had been a harsh cleaner?”

The cleaner living continued after my second daughter,  you can read
 here why I feel strongly over the switch to toxic free laundry soap. But I still struggled with keeping the house organized and clean. 

I decided I needed a good kick in the butt, so I ran a challenge with a group of women. An ultimate cleaning party. I called it this because why can't we make cleaning fun? I had to commit to coming up with a plan that would be fun, encouraging and do-able. We focused on easy, yup..easy recipes to clean and organize every room in our home utilizing clean, plant based ingredients. You can check out our facebook community here!

Now this is the important piece. Clean products. We clean multiple surfaces a day and are around so many chemicals that the build up on our system can be detrimental to our health. 

I encourage you to take a moment to think about how you are feeling. Headaches, breathing issues, struggling with energy and motivation? A lot of these are affected by our daily use of products. 

It became my mission to educate others while helping them feel motivated and achieve these attainable cleaning goals. 

So I created a system to help create a routine, perfect for those moms who just can’t get all things done. Taking one room at a time and can be done month and month again without overwhelming or exhausting you. 

I'm excited to release my Ultimate Cleaning Party, a 20 day guide to help you organize and de-clutter your home utilizing plant based, clean products. 

Grab the full details here to see if this program is right for you!

Are you ready to take the next step to cleaner, plant based living? Grab my FREE guide on household cleaning tips below!

Postpartum Anxiety

Walking the Journey of Postpartum Anxiety

Postpartum anxiety, something most moms don't talk about because it’s not recognized.

I have two girls, Layla and Hannah, and it was just recently that I realized what I had struggled with after Hannah was born, actually had a name. 

Before I knew postpartum anxiety was a thing, I just labeled it as having anxious “what if” moments. You can read my story here.

I deal with anxiety from time to time still, it thankfully doesn’t consume my everyday life, and I have amazing natural tools to support my mind and body. I feel lucky to be aware of it. 

I had recently been doing some personal development, digging deeper into who I am, my struggles and insecurities and how to learn and grow from them. 

I am a true believer that in order to grow and be the better you, you need to be open to learning and growing. That staying where you are, in your struggles, insecurities and sadness, will not help you grow and thrive. 


This personal growth kept leading me back to the feelings and struggles I had gone through after having Hannah. So I knew I had to dig a little deeper. Truly understand what it was that I had gone through, why it happened.

How utilizing the tools I used to overcome PPA actually worked and to help support other moms who are struggling. 

So I started to research postpartum anxiety. These were a list of signs that fit me to a T

  • Excessive worry-check

  • Feelings of dread-check

  • Racing thoughts-check

  • Lack of concentration-check

  • Changes in eating and sleeping patterns-check

  • Dizziness-check

  • Rapid heartbeat-check

Postpartum anxiety is a disorder that is a cousin to postpartum depression and according to the American Pregnancy Association it affects about 10 % of new moms. That is massive! 

PPA tends to come on in the form of worry. Losing control and balance in your mind. Not feeling calm and always on edge. It’s not talked about often. Most moms don’t even realize that PPA is what they are struggling with and that it is actually a disorder that they can get support for.

For me, PPA started two months prior to having Hannah when my sister gave birth to her daughter. Her daughter had a comfort blanket and I would constantly worry about her suffocating with that thin blanket, to a point that I would have a full on panic attack over it. For some, PPA can start anywhere from birth to the baby’s first birthday. 

When we think of anxiety in general, we know a few things that can trigger it. Things like lack of sleep, bad eating habits, caffeine, being indoors too long, drugs/alcohol...add in hormonal changes after having a baby and the constant need to be taking care of a newborn and we are hit with a big list of triggers. 

Postpartum anxiety unfortunately doesn't just “go away” like the baby blues. Because a lot of moms don't recognize it as a disorder, they tend to not seek the help needed. 

Always talk with your Dr if you feel PPA is something you are struggling with. I am not a Dr, just a mom sharing her experience, research and things that have personally help me along my journey.  

I am a firm believer in natural remedies when it comes to our health and wellness. Self help is so important to learn about and helps you become more aware. So here are a few things I suggest trying alongside chatting with your Dr.

  • Go for a walk. Getting outside every day for at least 15 minutes is important. Breathing in fresh outside air helps increase the oxygen to your body. Oxygen affects serotonin (the happy hormone). Taking a deep breath in through your nose, holding for three seconds and releasing through pierced lips will help boost your body's oxygen which in turn improves the serotonin levels to make you feel happier.  You can grab my free guide to grounding here.

  • Mindful Meditation. Taking the time to sit daily and practice meditation is phenomenal for your brain.  It is actually shown to change the structure of your brain! Mindful meditation is something I've recently learned about and am fascinated with. The key is to practice daily, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. 

  • Sit in the sun in the early mornings. The sun has amazing benefits in the early morning. Think about all the things that come to life as the sun comes up, the birds are chirping, the flowers open. When we sit in the early morning sun we ourselves are becoming charged.

  • Use essential oils. I am a big believer in the benefits of essential oils. They are what truly helped me get started on this journey of my struggles with postpartum anxiety and coming out the other end stronger. I use multiple essential oils that reduce the stress I'm feeling. When I inhale my oils, they calm my mind. They bring me to a sense of control, allow me to be present in the moment and release any worry I may be dealing with. To reassess the situation. 

  • Take your supplements. Our food isn’t what it used to be, so taking supplements is important to stay healthy. For both our bodies and minds. When our body isn't properly nourished, we lose focus on things, we may not feel 100%. We may be holding onto some toxic build up in our body that we don't realize and its could be part of the reason for the anxiety to come on. I encourage you to dive a bit deeper on the gut/brain connection.  Here is a fantastic book I recommend. 

  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Eating healthy is so important for our mind. When we fill our bodies with junk, our mind is filled with that as well. You may experience headaches, feel foggy, gain weight which spirals you into more depression or anxiety. 

All these things are so important to focus on. They help balance out our life and can help reduce the worry in our mind which in turn can lead to less anxiety.  You can check out my free resource on finding balance here.

I encourage you, practice meditation daily, be consistent with your food, oils, supplements every day and get outside for some self care in the early morning sun and short walks. 

If you're looking for more information and want to become part of a positive community, sharing experiences and natural options to support PPA, click below!

No Longer Allowing My Period To Control My Life

The Period Struggles Are RealBut You Don't Have To Struggle Forever

Have your lady parts ever literally felt like they were falling out of you during your period? 

Friends, I am all about normalizing our periods. So if that's not something you care to read about then please, move on. 

Let me paint a picture for you of what my period struggles have been through-out my life. 

The pain, as I would describe to Matt would be like that of a really bad poop cramp you get that just won't go away. He would always say that's not possible, because to him, that pain was THE WORST.

I had struggled with this before kids where it felt like someone was literally stabbing my ovaries. It would leave me laid up in bed and unable to do much of anything. 

I went on the birth control pill to help regulate my period and help with the cramping at the age of 15 but that seemed to bring up a whole host of problems. 

One birth control pill made the pain worse than before, so my Dr switched to another pill but that one gave me intense yeast infections. Every single month.

I finally made the decision that the pill was not meant for me so I went off of it. 

From there, I struggled with infrequent periods. They wouldn't come for 3+ months and when they finally did they would last 7-12 days. 

My gyne thought I had a particular syndrome and that I could potentially be infertile because of all the issues I was having, so we started a ton of tests to figure out what was going on. 

At the time, Matt and I weren't trying to get pregnant but we always said if it happened, it happened and that would be great. Shortly after, I got pregnant with Layla. 

So what was happening? My guess, my hormones were completely out of balance. 

Around a year after I had Layla, I got my period back. It was excruciating. Things got worse for me. 

I would go through a super tampon and pad within hours. The pain was like knives jabbing into me... My vagina would literately throb and felt like it was going to fall out of me. 

Shortly after my periods returned I got pregnant with Hannah, so I didn't endure that for long. 

When Hannah was a month old I started using natural remedies for my postpartum stress. I hadn't been sleeping, my anxiety was way high and I was becoming more on edge. You can read more about that here.

I became part of this really amazing community of people on facebook that would share their wins and experiences with various things. It was so cool to be able to read some of these and get to try some out for myself and family. 

Utilizing natural remedies has always been a part of me. So this totally fit into my life. 

It made me feel empowered taking our families health into our own hands. 

I had gotten my period back around the one year mark with Hannah as well. At this point, I was turning to natural remedies for most things. So looking for a natural option to help support my hormones and support my period made sense.

That community I mentioned I was a part of earlier, had been raving about a particular product and how it helped support their periods,  support their hormones and more. (I recommend you read up on the benefits of wild yam with supporting hormones) so I grabbed the blend of essential oils that contained wild yam and started to use it. I had nothing to lose at this point! 

I was faithful using it every day. Consistency is key. I used it every morning on my body. My period returned and guess what, it wasn't terrible!

Since incorporating natural, plant based, clean living into my life, my periods are spot on. 

Every single month. My periods last for 5 days and I have little to no cramping. My flow is moderate to light and I do not dread that time of my cycle. I do not let it control my life anymore! 

I also highly recommend looking into a menstrual cup or disc. Using my disc has made a significant change with how I experience my periods. If you have not tried a disc, you can grab these disposable ones here to see if they are right for you! 

I'm so thankful for this community I became a part of. For if it hadn't been for them, I would still be sitting here, soaking up super tampons and pads and dreading that time of the month. 

Finding balance can be hard in all aspects of our life. 

Hormonal balance can be extra tricky. 

You can learn more in this group where we talk about various ways to find balance in various aspects of our everyday life. 

Want my free guide on finding balance? Get it below by clicking the button!

Fail-proof Dairy Free & Processed Sugar Free Protein Cupcakes

Fail-proof Dairy Free Protein Cupcakes
Dairy free and processed sugar free baking is super important to me. I’m intolerant to those and if I consume them it results in massive acne breakouts. 

I’m always looking for easy, fail proof recipes and tweek them so they fit into my life. I have a major sweet tooth so this helps keep me more on track and not fall off course.  

If I can add a little extra protein in there as well, Im happy!

These are the perfect cupcake to make with the kids because they are super easy and with no egg it's super safe for them to eat that raw batter.  They thoroughly enjoy licking the spoon and bowl afterwards. 

These will be my go-to, fail-proof cupcakes from now on! They are the perfect cupcake for any celebration and a hit for all. They rise beautifully while baking. 

The recipe is also super forgiving but for the fluffiest cupcakes use all-purpose flour. I'm sure you can easily substitute for a gluten free flour if that's something you need.

Yield-12 cupcakes                                    Prep time-25 Minutes                          Cook time-20 Minutes


*If skipping the protein powder, increase your flour to 1 1/2 cups.



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a cupcake tin with 12 cupcake liners or grease a silicone cupcake pan. 
  2. Add the almond milk, coconut sugar, oil, vinegar, and vanilla into a large mixing bowl. Beat the wet ingredients on low speed until combined. (we use a spatula and mix by hand.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, protein powder, baking soda, and salt until no clumps remain.
  4. Gradually add the dry flour mixture to the wet ingredients and beat just until smooth and no patches of flour remain.
  5. Spoon the batter into the cupcake liners, about two-thirds full for each.
  6. Bake for 20 to 24 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool the cupcakes on a cooling rack.
  7. Once the cupcakes are completely cool, spread a thick layer of frosting on top of each, followed by a generous amount of sprinkles. (I am working on a frosting recipe for y'all.
  8. Enjoy! Leftover cupcakes will keep for a couple days in a sealed container, or you can freeze them for up to 1 month. 

    Enjoyed these? Find more dairy free and processed sugar free recipes in my 90 day Transformation program.

Adult Acne

Have you ever dealt with adult acne? 

It is something I have struggled with off and on since I hit puberty. 

All through high school Id have terrible break outs on my face. I would consult with my Dr and Id hear the same thing, ”hormonal/ bacterial” 

I tried all the things. A few courses of antibiotics for the bacterial acne, which helped a little but never fully got rid of the problem. I spent hundreds trying every face wash product for acne prone skin with little to no success. Honestly, I would usually end up breaking out even worse. 

When I was 23, I got pregnant with my first daughter. I got that pregnancy glow everyone talks about. My skin was the best it had ever been!

 But it didn't last. 

After I had my first daughter I dealt with even worse acne then before. Extreme inflammation that i could feel coming on just hours before it would rise to the surface. 

It was the worst experience. So back to my Dr I went. 

She finally referred me to a dermatologist who suggested I take a pretty intense medication if I was truly wanting my acne to heal. 

He said that if I wanted this medication that I needed to stop nursing (fat chance on that) and that getting pregnant for another year wasn't an option (our goal was to have our kids two years apart) so I left that appointment with no answers to my problem. He only suggested one thing. He never gave me tips or suggested as to why my acne may be happening in the first place. 

I felt defeated. 

Soon after, I got pregnant with my second daughter. Again, with my pregnancy my skin cleared but after, a mess. It had been even worse this time around. 

My skin had started to break out from the cheeks down (that picture you see is me) I was so self conscious. Anytime I talked to someone, all I could think was “are they looking at my acne” so I would constantly have my hands around my face to block it. How foolish of me.

My sister would tell me how painful it looked. She was right. It was extremely painful. I could hardly open my mouth to eat because my entire face was so inflamed. 

So I went looking for some reasons as to why my acne would be this way. Hormones was one  (you can read about my hormonal struggles
 here) but another was the food I ate. That made sense, especially since I have been a sugar addict my entire life.

I found a nutritionist and started eating a cleaner diet. You can grab a favorite cupcake recipes of mine

I lost a good chunk of weight but my skin was still the same. So I started researching some natural ways to heal my face and essential oils started popping up. 

I was currently using a really amazing quality of essential oils but hadn't really thought about using them for their healing properties for the skin. 

So, like any desperate person, I started to experiment with them.

Within two weeks, the inflammation in my skin went down significantly. I could open my mouth fully and that bacterial puss, that green and yellow crap that inflamed my face, started to drain out of my skin. Within weeks, the acne was drying up. I was completely in aw. I couldn't believe it! 

It's been 3 years since I decided to experiment with my oils and now I know exactly what sets my skin off in breakouts. 

I ended up seeking out a naturopath and found out i'm sugar and dairy intolerant. Any time I eat something containing processed sugars, hours later I pay for it. 

This all makes sense to me now. Because of my insane sugar addiction my entire life, my body cannot process it and backfires on me through me skin. 

So with watching the foods I eat, supporting my hormones through natural tools and utilizing oils that help reduce acne, I've been able to feel confident in the skin i'm in. 

Check out my nightly routine and what products Im using to keep my skin healthy and thriving!

Want to learn more? Head over to our Facebook Community!

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