Is The Laundry Switch Worth It?

Is The Laundry Switch Worth It?
Be sure to check out my laundry boost recipe at the end.

Laundry. Let's get real, we all do it! Sometimes multiple loads a day right?!

Little known piece of me, I used to make my own laundry soap, long before I made the switch to a plant based products. Even before I had kids I was well aware of the toxic chemicals in laundry soap and cleaner. I even made my own cleaner as well but that's a story for another day.

I would spend hours making laundry soap. I'm not sure if you have ever grated a bar of soap before but it is not the same as grating cheese! It's hard, and your hands get really tired after a while. 


To the kitchen I would go, mixing the baking soda, washing soda, grated soap and all ingredients together to be used for laundry soap. 

I felt empowered knowing what exactly was being used in our laundry soap but once I started having kids, the process was long and I just didn't have the time. 

I powered through it with Layla but once Hannah was born, overwhelming anxiety and pure exhaustion took over, which meant making laundry soap was the LAST thing on my list of things to do.


I was aware...
I was aware that laundry directly impacted four major things in our daily life.

  • When we wash our clothing, the soap goes into our septic. If you are using a conventional product filled with synthetic chemicals, those start to leech into the ground. We shouldn’t be OK with that happening. 

  • Our skin is our biggest organ. When we wear our clothing, the harmful chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate (sls), parabens and synthetic fragrance absorb into our skin and blood stream. Have you wondered why you have eczema, asthma or daily headaches? It may be time to take a hard look at your laundry routine. 

  • I know most of you are sleeping in a bed. What are you washing your bed sheets with? Think about breathing in, and having your skin absorb those same chemicals every single night. 

  • Then comes the closet. We wash our clothing and it gets hung up in our bedroom. That clothing when washed will off gas. Your air quality in your home should be a top priority. 

So 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we are directly impacted by ONE product. Do you think its something worth investing into? 


Thankfully, when Hannah was a month old I was introduced to a company. They aligned with my lifestyle of clean products in my home. 

I was so excited to see that they had an entire line of plant based cleaning products so I decided to grab the discounted bundle. 

Best decision ever!

I fell in love immediately. The laundry soap was perfect. It worked wonders and lasted me FOREVER. 

Who thought someone could be so positively impacted by laundry soap? I was so excited that I was able to get over 100 loads of laundry out of this tiny little bottle. 

I've also become quite fond of this laundry boost. It's the perfect addition to my plant based laundry soap!


1 Cup Baking Soda

1/2 Cup Washing Soda

15 Drops Purification Essential Oil Blend      

Mix all ingredients together. Store in glass jar and add 1 tablespoon per wash.

I encourage you to give plant based laundry soap a real chance. The switch from your conventional product can be a journey but that journey is definitely worth it.

Need help learning how to make that switch? I can help you with that! I'm just a message away.

EASIEST Processed Sugar free, Dairy free, Chocolate Bark

Easiest Processed Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Chocolate Bark

I have been addicted to chocolate for as long as I can remember. Sugar was always something in our home and was the thing I would turn to when I was stressed or bored. It's been my crutch, the thing I can never say no to.

Unfortunately for me, all of those years, filling my body with processed sugar crap has caused a ton of issues. My biggest issue is my skin.

Because my gut has been overloaded with sugar my entire life, anytime I have just one piece of conventional chocolate, or desert my face breaks out in the worst acne. 
Did the Easter Bunny kick anyone else's ass over the holidays? He sure did kick my butt. 

I've recently found out some things I'm intolerant to with a simple test from my Naturopath. 
Of course, processed sugar is on that list along with dairy. 
My body just cant process those very well which is why a small amount causes so much inflammation in my body. 

I've been working really hard at creating new recipes that fit my intolerance. 

I've also been working hard on making sure the entire family enjoys these recipes as well. 

I'm excited to be able to share these with you. The successful ones as well as our epic fails, because I love sharing what NOT to do as well. (haha)

So here is one of my easiest, fool proof recipes that will be a hit for any event, party favor or just a treat for yourself.  
It contains just 3 base ingredients and you can add whatever optional items you like!

Raw, organic Cocoa powder or raw, organic cacao powder
Pure maple syrup
Organic coconut oil
That's it! Its seriously the easiest thing you'll make and I can guarantee you will not go back to the conventional chocolate. When you make this for your next party, your guests will be asking for more!


In a medium saucepan, melt the coconut oil over low heat. Remove from heat and whisk in the cocoa (or cacao) powder, maple syrup and essential oils of choice. 

Add a pinch of sea salt to taste. Stir in half of your toppings like roasted almonds, cranberries etc. 

With a spatula, spoon the chocolate mixture onto a prepared parchment-lined pan or sheet and smooth out until it's about 1/4-1/2 inch thick. Sprinkle on the remaining nuts, coconut flakes, dried berries etc. 

Place into freezer on a flat surface for about 15 minutes, until frozen solid.

Once frozen, break apart into bark. Store in the freezer until ready to eat. I don't recommend keeping it out on the counter long because it melts fast.

I have no idea why I've waited so long to make this recipe. Its decedent, sweet, quick, easy and super satisfying. 

When using essential oils in your recipes, please make sure it is approved for internal use. I've found a company that has been approved by Health Canada for internal use and I trust the source. 

Did you make this recipe? I'd love to hear how you made out and what toppings you picked! Feel free to share a picture on instagram and tag @haleylorman

Enjoyed these? Find more of my dairy and sugar free recipes in my 90 Day Transformation program!

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