Inspiring Women 
Supporting Women

Sponsor A Mom, Sister or Friend

Financial stress impacts so many in our province. 
Statistics show that women feel the impact the most. 

Women, specifically mothers, will often put themselves on the back burner.
 They lack filling their own cup because after everything is said and done, they often have nothing else to give for themselves. 

By sponsoring a mom, sister or friend in our area, you are supporting their mental health, their general well-being and more. 

During Inspiring Women. Supporting Women. 
A complementary reflexology day. 
Several women will receive 30 minutes of reflexology to help release stress and tension. 

These ladies may walk out feeling heard and valued. 

This will fill their cup up just a little bit without feeling guilt of spending money on themselves. 

This may inspire them and support them in ways we can't image. 

Thank you. 
For supporting a local lady today.
That impact has the potential to make a ripple effect of good. 

 Sponsor a mom, sister or friend today!

*Your sponsor will help one or more women in our local community. 
*Sponsor funds help cover the cost of products used during complementary clients appointments/laundry/cost of space if required to rent a room out for the day
*Receipt will automatically be sent once you've successfully submitted your sponsor. 

About Me

-Mother -Spouse -Friend -Reflexologist

As a mother who put herself on the bottom of the list and felt the impacts of burnout and overwhelm, I struggled for many years.

Digging into myself and finding my true voice and passions, I've started to climb to the top of my tower to bring my best self out.  

I bring to the table a unique experience for other moms. 

I listen, support, encourage and give tools that you can use in your every day life that are easy to implement. 

I help release the heaviness from your shoulders and work at bringing your best self to the front of the line.